Today I am going to discuss a scenario where I have to make files and folders writable under a specific folder by selected non-root users. To achieve our goal I am going to use group concept in Linux for managing multiple users.
I have recently installed Apache Web server and want to make /var/www/ directory writable by certain non root user. Lets checkout the steps required to make folder /var/www/ and all it sub file & folders writable by user non-root user testadmin.
You must a be a root user or have sudo access to execute these commands. The commands can be executed on various Linux distributions like Ubuntu, CentOS, Fedora and RedHat
Step 1 : Create a group
Lets create a new group say www.
sudo groupadd www
Step 2 : Add user to the group
If the testadmin user does not belong to any primary group then add it to the www group using g flag.
sudo useradd -g testadmin www
If the testadmin user is has a primary group then add it to the www group using G flag. The a flag means append user testadmin to the supplementary group(s).
sudo usermod -a -G www testadmin
Step 3 : Change group of the folder recursively
Lets change the group of all files and folders recursively under /var/www folder to www
sudo chown -R :www /var/www
Step 4 : Make the folder writable for the group
Make existing files and folder under /var/www folder writable recursively for the group.
sudo chmod -R g+rwX /var/www
Step 5 : Set group id to the folder
Set the group ID to the folder /var/www.
sudo chmod g+s /var/www
If directories are already present under the folder /var/www then set group ID to all the existing directories using following command
find /var/www -type d -exec chmod g+s '{}' \;
Note: For GUI mode, reboot the machine after performing all the above steps.
From now onward, whenever a new file or directory is created in the /var/www/ directory it will inherit the group of the directory instead of the user testadmin who created the file.
That's all folks !
Terrible article - does not explain anything clearly.
What is the name of your user in this example. Why so spread out across two sections.
Thank you for the feedback.
The post was very old and has been updated based on your feedback.