[How To] Change or update Apache time zone
If websites are hosted on shared servers and timezone is different, one may demand to change the timezone for his/her website.
In this case, there is no need to change the timezone on the server. We can change the timezone for the particular website using following methods.
The Apache time zone can be updated in two ways:
1) Using PHP configuration file php.ini
2) Using .htaccess file
Let us see each of them in detail:
Updating time zone using php.ini file
1) Check the global php,ini file location on the server
php -i | grep php.ini
2) Open php.ini for editing
vi php.ini
3) Search for "date.timezone"
4) Update the time zone
Refer PHP supported timezone here.
5) Save the file
6) Restart Apache service
Note: Custom php.ini can be used instead of editing global php.ini on the server.
Updating time zone using .htaccess
1) Open .htaccess file present under the document root. If not present already, then create a new file.
2) Add line
SetEnv TZ timezone
where timezone is the timezone you wish to set.
Refer PHP supported timezones here.
3) Save the file
Hope this helps!